Real Estate Consulting
When making a real estate investment, most of the agents that participate in the transactions have as an only concern the closing of the property (deal), whether it is commercial, residential or trade of businesses or companies.

In our organization we guide the client by the hand, starting with the selection of the investment, through a solid analysis of the market, from an economic, financial, legal and tax point of view, in order to determine if the client should or should not invest in the property. We provide independent research and analysis focused on the real estate market:


  • Being efficient with you time and money.
  • Optimization of the fiscal impacts in the negotiation.
  • Identification of profitable options and opportunity cost.
  • Construction and management of private Real Estate funds, national or international.
  • Determination of the final purchaser and in particular when it is foreigner.
  • To orient the client to avoid an impulsive Real Estate investment.
  • Legal guidance for prior inspections and demarcation of property before entering into a contract.
  • Public record research and private publishing networks (MLS) under our license as consultants in Real Estate, without being associated Realtors.
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